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Jains believe that in every half cycle of time; 24 souls descend the earth mostly from heavens as Prince of Kingdoms; renounce the world; do meditation; attain absolute knowledge; convey us the entire knowledge and teach us the path of Salvation(Moksha) and ultimately attain Moksha themselves.

Their descent from heavens to earth and their birth is celebrated by Indra; the king of the heavens.

6 months before the descent; Indra does rains of jewels and diamonds in the city of the mother and father.  On the night when the soul enters the womb of the virgin mother; she sees 16 dreams – each giving the interpretation of the birth of the soul who is going to win over all his Karmas and gain perfection.  In the morning; she tries to understand the meaning of the dreams from the King; the father of the Lord.  She feels immensely blessed that she is giving birth to the Tirthankar.  For 9 months thereafter; there continues to be the shower of diamonds  and jewels by Indra; who also sends celestial Devis to take care of the mother.

The day the Lord is born; Indra ( king of celestials) get to know of his birth through omniscience.  He immediately orders his celestial pupils to get the celestial who has the ability to become the divine elephant Airawat – so they can go to Earth to celebrate his birth.  Airawat is an elephant with 100 faces and 800 teeths  and on these teeths are  lotuses and dancers dancing on these lotuses.  Indra rides this elephant with his wife and hundreds of heavenly beings in their respective carriages; takeing a procession to earth.

On arrival ; his celestial wife Shachi goes inside the maternity hall; and puts mother to sleep and brings the baby Lord to Indra.  When he sees the Lord for the first time; he makes 1000 eyes – so he can see the beauty of the Lord.  He is not satisfied and continues to look at him without blinking his eyes.  He then takes the Lord with all his pupils to a glorious mountain in a procession of dance; music and every musical instrument.  At the mountain; he places Lord on a throne and with 1008 pots of holy water; he anoints the Lord.

 Shachi then puts heavenly clothes on the baby Lord and Indra eventually brings him back to his parents. As he does this process; he is filled with utmost devotion and dances a rhythmic fast paced dance – called Tandav; expressing his unconditional love; gratitude and heartfelt joy. It is said that through this process; Indra has only one life remaining to attain Moksha; ultimate salvation.

Gaurav through this performance is going to take us through this divine experience of most revered celebration of Jain theology.The goal of all individuals is to seek this perfection of becoming a God themselves; and witnessing; being part of or participating in real or act form of the celebration of Conception and Birth of a Tirthankar; allows one to shed millions of bad Karmic bondage.

We take you through this show to give you an experience of a lifetime – making it most grandeur and to the best of our ability.  For Gaurav; it is him resurrecting himself to a stage where he talks about the glory of God; and how he embarks in a journey of his dance with his own soul in perfection.

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